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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear One Term Rick: Fuhgitaboutit!

If Missouri is the “Show Me” state, Michigan must be the “We'll Believe Anything” state. I mean, we actually elected a man as governor who laid out absolutely no specifics on his vision of governing our state. Although he loved to proclaim himself a non-politician, he rolled out every vague platitude and aphorism about “strengthening the state” and “increasing employment” that every first time candidate hopes will satisfy disinterested voters, but in his case they actually did.
And while there are a number of articles to follow about how his unrevealed plans were to strap the poor and middle class with the bill for enacting his vision, for now let's discuss how his new “Fix the Roads” refrain is one more stab at a chance to punish the innocent to pay for his inequitable budget balancing strategy.

It's not that the roads don't need the work. Lord knows that if you drive across this great country you'll notice that Michigan has just about the crappiest roads around. I haven't visited all 50 states and I suppose Alaska may be worse, but for the 28 or so states that I have traversed we're the worst. I definitely agree that the roads need fixing.
My car didn't ruin the roads. Neither did yours. This article claims that it would take 10,000 cars to do the damage one 18 wheeler inflicts on the roads. USA Today believes the correct number is 9,600 cars required to do the same damage, but points out that their assumption is based on the legal weight limit posted for most states at 40 tons. But, as of 2008, over 500,000 trucks with permits allowing them to carry more than 40 tons pounded the nations roads and bridges. If you really want to read an analysis, the University of Kansas did an exhaustive study on a stretch of Kansas highway that concluded the damage from large trucks amounted to roughly $.02 per truck per mile. (see page 122).

So wait a minute. One-term Rick wants me to pick-up the tab? He wants me to pay $1.2 billion to fix roads that I didn't ruin? (By the way, isn't $1.2 billion roughly the amount One Term Rick told businesses they didn't need to pay in taxes henceforth? What a guy, eh?) He wants to raise gas taxes by $.14 per gallon but wait! According to MarketWatch (page 2 of 8) Michigan already has the 7th highest gas taxes in the country.
It seems pretty clear who busted the roads but One Term Rick prefers groveling to businesses since he'll need a lot more cash this next election when the good citizens of Michigan know exactly what a Tough Nerd means...tough on the middle class.
At this point I'd rather One Term Rick let the roads devolve to gravel than kick in one more cent for his plan to reinvent the State of Michigan on the backs of the poor and middle class. If the people that broke the roads refuse to fix them, don't come asking me for the money.

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